Our Gold & Silver
"Talent" Subscription Program
The Nitty Gritty
By some estimates, Your purchasing power is decreasing 6.5% every year You hold on to dollars, whether You do it in cash under the mattress or in an account at the bank. In short, You can't save Your way to financial freedom... at least, not in dollars.
(Read, a $100,000 in a savings account will have the purchasing power of only $80,000 in just 3 years... so it's not possible to "save" for retirement.) So what about investing in stocks and bonds? You could, but the market is rigged. "They" choose which companies to bail out, and "they" choose which to let flounder and die. So unless "they" consult You first, it's a gamble. That leaves... cryptocurrency. But cryptocurrency isn't yet stable and can't quite be used to purchase much. So what's a person with limited funds to do?! Invest in physical gold and silver... |
Gold & Silver: It isn't complicated... at all.
If You're like most, You'll spend countless hours on YouTube learning all about gold and silver only to find out that the only gold and silver You really own is the gold and silver You can really touch. So that rules out paper gold: stocks, certificates, futures, IRAs...
(That isn't to say that any of those investment vehicles are bad, they just aren't for people on a budget who can't afford to play a rich person's game.) So what's a person with limited funds supposed to invest in? (Have You seen the price of gold bars today?!) Again, if You were to do Your YouTube-research, You'd find that American Gold and Silver Eagles - U.S. Mint-issued bullion coins - are where it's at. ...and they're affordable-ish. The problem is trying to save up for them: If one even were able to do it on their own, by the time they've saved up the money, when they go to order their gold they realize that they don't actually have the money because the price has gone up. Then they save a little more, and realize what little they can order, doesn't qualify for free shipping - and when You're talking gold and silver... shipments have to be insured. (Read, shipping costs a LOT!) So You try to shop local, but nobody's got anything... Before You know it, Christmas and birthdays and bills are here, and there goes Your savings. Better luck next year! (...but next year, Your dollar won't have the same purchasing power and the cost of gold and silver would have only gone up... again.) |
Where "Faithful Over Few" Comes In...
At "Faithful Over Few" we understand the hardships in getting started with physical gold and silver, but we also understand the peace of mind that comes with knowing Your family can survive financially because You have real wealth stored up... not just a bunch government issued paper!
"Faithful Over Few" exists to extend that peace of mind to You and Your family by eliminating the budget-breaking obstacles to owning physical gold and silver by allowing You to invest the few dollars You do have to spare over time. If You faithfully do that, we will automatically send You gold AND silver - real wealth You can hold and touch! - when Your invested dollars meet current spot prices + commission and s/h costs. "Faithful Over Few" eliminates the timeless question of: gold or silver? ...and let's You analyze things the way a rich person would. If we asked a rich person: gold or silver? You know the answer already: both! |
With "Faithful Over Few" You don't have to choose between investing in gold or silver, because at "Faithful Over Few," market prices currently allow us to send out with every shipment:
TWO 1-ounce American Silver Eagles and ONE 1/10th-ounce American Gold Eagle
Currently - keep in mind spot prices change multiple times throughout the day - people on the affectionately-named "Coffee Plan" who trade in their daily $5 cup of coffee as an investment for their family can expect to receive a shipment of three US Mint-issued bullion coins 5 times a year. In other words, at the end of their first year, those on the "Coffee Plan" should have in their possession:
TEN 1-ounce American Silver Eagles & FIVE 1/10th-ounce American Gold Eagles
...and all they had to do was, "click it and forget it."
TEN 1-ounce American Silver Eagles & FIVE 1/10th-ounce American Gold Eagles
...and all they had to do was, "click it and forget it."